smá af NV35


Póstar: 435
Skráði sig: Mið 25. Sep 2002 14:27
Staðsetning: Keflavík
Staða: Ótengdur

smá af NV35

Póstur af Castrate »

Sá þetta á smá copy paste :roll:

"Our reader Lax was kind enough to translate and send in part of the article from's website. They mention some interesting stuff about the upcoming NV35 GPU.NV35:
256 Bit Memory Bus
500MHz DDR I (Effective 1000MHz)
500MHz GPU
Low noise cooling solution (Different from NV30)
Here is the translation:

While running a quick benchmark in Quake3, 1600x1200, 4XAA and 8xAF it got 111 FPS, compared to a GeForce FX Ti5800 Ultra that got 48 FPS. However both chips were clocked at 250MHz because it was still a prototype, and they wanted to make an exact comparision to the NV30. So basically both were set to 250 in order to make a fair benchmark.
Lax: So most of your wishes are already included -> and the other ones that will probably be included too, but no additional information was given yet. Those benchmarks were run at Cebit 2003 secretly, not many people have seen it.

Lax: So most of your wishes are already included -> and the other ones that will probably be included too, but no additional information was given yet. Those benchmarks were run at Cebit 2003 secretly, not many people have seen it."

Póstar: 3694
Skráði sig: Þri 24. Sep 2002 15:19
Staða: Ótengdur

Póstur af MezzUp »

intersting, yes, very interesting
Spurning hvernig þessi "Low noise cooling solution" sé eitthvað hljóðlátari en Gf4?

Póstar: 4
Skráði sig: Fös 21. Mar 2003 02:43
Staða: Ótengdur

Póstur af Bin »

Hér er rad 9700pro downklukkaður fyrir quake3 bench

1600x1200, 4xaa8xaf, 32bit color, trilinear filtering
timedemo001 = 76.4 fps

1600x1200, 4xaa8xaf, 16bit color, bilinear filtering
timedemo001 = 127.7 fps

og ætli það sé nokkuð verið að svindla í det driverum ?
og auðvitað er kælibúnaðurinn öðruvísi á nv35 þegar það er ekki klukkað hærra en þetta
