- AeroCool GateWatch - viftustýring
Nánast ónotað og fylgjir allt með, ennþá í kassanum
info hér : http://www.aerocool.us/peripheral/gatew ... ewatch.htm
Verð : 5 Þús
- Logitech MX518 Mús
í góðu standi og virkar vel
verð : 5 Þús
- 2x 1Gb NÝ Samsung Vinnsluminni PC3 10600 DDR3 1333MhZ
fartölvu vinnsluminni, glæný og ónotuð
Verð : 5þús
- Lenco 7" ferða DVD spilari
Mjög basic ferða dvd spilari, 4 ára gamall, virkar fínt og góður í ferðalagið, útivistina eða í bílinn fyrir farþegana/börnin
fylgjir hleðslutæki til að tengja í rafmagn og batterý
Kostar nýr 20Þús í heimilistækjum,
verð : 10 þús
- Canon hleðslutæki (CB 2LVE G) & Batterý NB-4L & 1gb SD minniskort
myndavélin ónýt en veit að svona hleðslutæki geta verið rándýr svo kannski einhverjum sem vantar svona, kostar 10.990 í nýherja.
Hleðslutkið virkar fyrir eftirtaldar myndavélar :
Canon PowerShot TX1
Canon Digital Series
Canon Digital 40, Canon Digital 50
Canon Powershot SD Series
Canon PowerShot SD30, Canon PowerShot SD30 (US),
Canon PowerShot SD40, Canon Powershot SD200,
Canon Powershot SD300, Canon PowerShot SD400,
Canon PowerShot SD430 WIRELESS, Canon PowerShot SD430 WIRELESS (US),
Canon PowerShot SD450, Canon PowerShot SD450 (US),
Canon PowerShot SD600, Canon PowerShot SD630,
Canon PowerShot SD750, Canon PowerShot SD1000,
Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS
Canon IXY Digital Series
Canon IXY Digital 10, Canon IXY Digital 40,
Canon IXY Digital 50, Canon IXY Digital 55,
Canon IXY Digital 60, Canon IXY Digital 60 (JP),
Canon IXY Digital 70, Canon IXY Digital 80,
Canon IXY Digital 90, Canon IXY Digital L4,
Canon IXY Digital WIRELESS, Canon IXY Digital WIRELESS (JP)
Canon IXY Digital L3 Series
Canon Digital IXUS Series
Canon Digital IXUS 30, Canon Digital IXUS 40,
Canon Digital IXUS 50, Canon Digital IXUS 55,
Canon Digital IXUS i zoom, Canon Digital IXUS i zoom (EU),
Canon Digital IXUS i7 zoom, Canon Digital IXUS WIRELESS,
Canon Digital IXUS WIRELESS (UK), Canon Digital IXUS 55,
Canon Digital IXUS 55 (EU), Canon Digital IXUS 60,
Canon Digital IXUS 65, Canon Digital IXUS 70,
Canon Digital IXUS 75, Canon DIGITAL IXUS 80 IS
Verð fyrir allt saman : 8Þús
annars 6k hleðslutæki, 2k batterý, 1k minniskort
Myndavélin getur fylgt með ef kaupandi hefur áhuga,
Canon Ixus 80 virkar af og til en þarf að gera við hana
- Philips PC Headset SHM7410
fínt gaming headset með fínu soundi og Mic
Verð :5 þúsFull size stereo PC headset
This powerful yet comfortable headset delivers precise voice transmission and crystal
clear sound. It includes a noise-canceling microphone, Neodymium speaker drivers, soft
ear cushions and in-cord volume control with a mute function.
Clear voice transmission
• Noise canceling microphone
• Position the microphone for optimized voice pick-up
Quality sound performance
• 32mm speaker driver delivers high performance sound
• Enjoy best-in-class performance and optimum sound quality
Easy and comfortable to wear
• Ear cushions improve wearing comfort and bass response
• Personalize the fit for extra comfort during extended use
Ultimate Convenience
• In-line mute & volume control
PC Headset SHM7410/97
Excellent sound quality
Acoustically-tuned design and high-quality drivers
ensure best-in-class audio performance.
Noise canceling mic
Uni-dimensional mic design to eliminate the
unnecessary background noise to ensure clear voice
Adjustable microphone
This easily adjusted boom will make sure the
microphone is always optimally positioned to pickup your voice.
Adjustable Comfort level
No matter how you like to 'feel' your headphones,
this unique headband construction will always
provide you with a personalized, comfortable fit.
With height adjustment, you can comfortably wear
the headphone for a much longer period.
• Wearing style: Headband
• Acoustic system: Semi-open
• Magnet type: Neodymium
• Frequency response: 20 - 20 000 Hz
• Impedance: 32 Ohm
• Maximum power input: 100 mW
• Micophone cartridge: 4 mm
• Sensitivity: 106 dB
• Speaker diameter: 32 mm
• Type: Dynamic
• Sensitivity microphone: 50-15000 Hz, -42+/- 3dB
• Cable length: 3 m
• Connector: 2 x 3.5 mm
• Type of cable: Copper
• Volume control
• Mute switch
- 2 stk. svartar músamottur með sílíkon stuðningspúða
mjög basic svartar músamottur, ein betur farin heldur en hin
verð : 1 þús

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Jón Óli - 662 6508 /best a hringja eða senda sms, er ekki oft hér á vaktinni, því miður.