Btw Chromecast Ultra kostar
14 þúsund nýr heima. Þannig að 20 þúsund fyrir þennan pakka eftir innflutning etc, er ekkert slæmt.
Anyway til gamans: (niðurtal þangað til Stadia fer í Google Cemetery...)
Varðandi launch features:
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ValentToday at 7:42 AM
Anywhere to track potential feature updates? Seems weird for a platform to go live as an absolute bare bones. Loving everything so far, the streams look unreal on a 1gb connection but lacking a lot of community and platform features. (achievements for example)
BalphyToday at 7:43 AM
there is a suggest features option on the app. Ive been sending them my ideas
This is a soft launch. Real one is next year
Katharine ✨Today at 7:47 AM
I think stadia had a date it must hit (contracts, holidays, what have you) and features got descoped until they could actually more or less hit it. I am hopeful for quick improvements
RickToday at 8:04 AM
Also remember how Google releases things. Gradual, surprise upgrades. They’re not used to a gaming community and hype. They are used to Google Drive :joy:
It’s honestly par for the course with them. I was on a support chat waiting for my code and I told them I was excited in spite of the terrible launch. the guy I was chatting with told me they learned a lot from the launch... I think they’re realizing they don’t have a tech audience as much as they have a gamer audience
Gott Stadia review með fullt af samanburði frá Digital Foundry:
Amazon is making its own Stadia (Inside Gaming):
Interview w/
John Justice, VP, Head of Product at Stadia - with some Exclusive info | StadiaCast 23
Stadia borið saman við Shadow(eldri samkeppnisaðili).
Layman gaming (þessir gaurar elska að drulla yfir leikjafyrirtæki):
Delays, Lag & Lies- Stadia 76 Is Here. Ég er á Stadia discordinu, þetta er ekkert að virka sem fail fyrir alla. Digital Foundry reviewið er mikið hlutlausara.
Fullorðins review:
Reddit users:
Playing via Stadia on a 105" projector while the baby naps. I've never had a practical way to play on the projector, but with Stadia, all I need is a Chromecast on the ceiling with the projector.
While the whole internet is hating on stadia, here i am enjoying this lovely experience!
Not only is Stadia actually pretty good despite a rough launch - it's dad approved. Pops thinks it's magic. I haven't even gotten to play yet!
Sweden 100/100 mbit/s WiFi- I’m blown away
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After this whole mess of a launch, I'm taking everything negative that I said back. (self.Stadia).
submitted 9 hours ago by Alteffo
I cannot believe how good this is compared to GeforceNow.
So far I have tried Stadia with a wired CU on my 1080p TV, 10/10 with a small (1 second) hiccup after an hour of gameplay. The screen turned pixelated but everything resumed just fine afterwards.
Chrome Browser in a wired PC, 10/10, solid 30 minutes of gameplay.
Speed: 50-60Mbps
Brilliant so far, and it can only become better and better. Keep it up guys!
Það verður fullt af exclusives á Stadia:
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Google is building a “few different first-party studios” beyond Montréal, and “quite a few exclusive games in the works.” In terms of timeline, yearly released are expected with increasing frequency over time.
Raymond directly name-checked Google Duplex in the interview as a way to make non-player characters more realistic. That technology allows Assistant to place natural-sounding calls on behalf of the user for restaurant reservations, and could replace scripted lines for “believable human interactions embedded in any game that has narrative.” ... s-roadmap/
Ég er búinn að láta kunningja minn í USA kaupa fyrir mig. Ef ég er ekki að fíla þetta þá set ég pakkann á sölu hér og fleiri síðum. Versta falli gef ég einhverjum fátækum krakka þetta í bandaríkjunum/skandinavíu, smá góðverk. Set þetta upp með nýju Gmail svo að ég geti alltaf selt/gefið þetta.
AI hliðin á þessu sem mér finnst líka spennandi. Google eru á undan Microsoft og Amazon þar.
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