Ég veit ekki hvort menn átti sig á þessu. Þarna er t.d. verið að banna Google að selja til Huawei tækni sína, meðal annars Android stýrikerfið, þarna er verið að banna Qualcomm, bandarískt fyrirtæki, að selja til Huawei.The U.S. Commerce Department said on Wednesday it is adding Huawei Technologies Co Ltd and 70 affiliates to its so-called “Entity List” - a move that bans the telecom giant from buying parts and components from U.S. companies without U.S. government approval.
U.S. officials told Reuters the decision would also make it difficult if not impossible for Huawei, the largest telecommunications equipment producer in the world, to sell some products because of its reliance on U.S. suppliers.
Þetta er risa frétt.