6GB G.Skill DDR3 PC3-16000 2000Mhz Ripjaw + Turbulence Fan Series (9-9-9-24) Triple Channel kit
14.000 kr
** P.s. ég er að selja þetta fyrir kærastann minn og mér fannst bara rétt að leyfa því sem hann skrifaði að vera á ensku svo að ég segði nú ekki eithvað vitlaust

They work at the same voltage with 8-9-8-24-2N latency settings on 2000Mhz but if you want to use on 1600Mhz, according to Gskill forums, you can use at 7-7-7-21 or even 6-7-6-18 timings. Those rams are really fast especially for gamers and hardcore users. They support XMP settings, but with some motherboards you may need to set settings manually. I am selling just due to I am shifting to an AMD system soon. I did not even use additional fan once so it is brand new and I will be giving everything in its original box.
6GB DDR3 2000MHz Ripjaw Series Triple Channel kit from G.Skill, supplied with Turbulence cooling fan. Three matched 2GB PC3-16000 memory modules, rated CL9 (9-9-9-24), 1.6V, 240 pins. Backed by lifetime manufacturer's warranty.
Designed for the Intel X58 chipset and pre-tested in a wide range of ASUS, MSI, and DFI motherboards. Also suitable for other motherboards designed for triple channel memory kits.
Full memory timings of 9-9-9-24-2N
6GB memory kit = 3x 2GB memory modules
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