UT downloadanlegur
Höfundur - spjallið.is
- Póstar: 435
- Skráði sig: Mið 25. Sep 2002 14:27
- Staðsetning: Keflavík
- Staða: Ótengdur
UT downloadanlegur
Original greinin er á huga.
Þá er loksins hægt að downloada Unreal Tournament (UT1) innanlands á 100mb tengingu. Leikurinn er ekki nema 413mb zippaður með ÖLLU.
mappackar, svindlvarnir og allir nauðsynlegir pakkar til að fara beint inná hvaða server sem er.
Ég skellti honum aðalega saman svo að fólk gæti nálgast UT á auðveldan hátt og auðvellt væri fyrir fólk að byrja í honum. Nú er von á fjölgun á UT serverum og er ætlunin að fjölga leikjaþjónunum einnig.
or here
p.s. þá er þetta ekki ólöglegt. Epic Games sem framleiddu leikinn hafa gefið hann og eru alveg hættir að supporta hann.
Þá er loksins hægt að downloada Unreal Tournament (UT1) innanlands á 100mb tengingu. Leikurinn er ekki nema 413mb zippaður með ÖLLU.
mappackar, svindlvarnir og allir nauðsynlegir pakkar til að fara beint inná hvaða server sem er.
Ég skellti honum aðalega saman svo að fólk gæti nálgast UT á auðveldan hátt og auðvellt væri fyrir fólk að byrja í honum. Nú er von á fjölgun á UT serverum og er ætlunin að fjölga leikjaþjónunum einnig.
or here
p.s. þá er þetta ekki ólöglegt. Epic Games sem framleiddu leikinn hafa gefið hann og eru alveg hættir að supporta hann.
Last edited by Castrate on Mán 13. Okt 2003 14:38, edited 1 time in total.
ég sendi aðal manninum spurningu um þetta
From: mrein@epicgames.com
Subject: RE= Piracy report
Thanks for telling me about this. It's nice to hear there are still some lawabiding people left on this planet.
I did NOT give anyone permission to distribute this game, that's a pure piracy and a criminal act. You tell me it's being distributed by the largest ISP in Iceland that's even more illegal. Whoever is responsable for this must pay us a full game licence fee and stop distribution immediately.
We told we were going to give away limited version of the engine for educational, non-commercial purposes without permission to access to the source-code. That's a limited game with almos no resources at all so you would have to build everything up from the ground. Unreal Tournament is full of resources you are not allowed to give away for free and even worse, he did modifications to the game and included several user made maps without even getting the permission from the map authors.
Please tell him I am looking forward to see him in court.
Mark Rein,
Vice-President, Epic Games Inc.
email: mrein@epicgames.com
From: mrein@epicgames.com
Subject: RE= Piracy report
Thanks for telling me about this. It's nice to hear there are still some lawabiding people left on this planet.
I did NOT give anyone permission to distribute this game, that's a pure piracy and a criminal act. You tell me it's being distributed by the largest ISP in Iceland that's even more illegal. Whoever is responsable for this must pay us a full game licence fee and stop distribution immediately.
We told we were going to give away limited version of the engine for educational, non-commercial purposes without permission to access to the source-code. That's a limited game with almos no resources at all so you would have to build everything up from the ground. Unreal Tournament is full of resources you are not allowed to give away for free and even worse, he did modifications to the game and included several user made maps without even getting the permission from the map authors.
Please tell him I am looking forward to see him in court.
Mark Rein,
Vice-President, Epic Games Inc.
email: mrein@epicgames.com
- Besserwisser
- Póstar: 3697
- Skráði sig: Sun 20. Okt 2002 09:35
- Staðsetning: Somewhere something went horribly wrong
- Staða: Ótengdur
Kannski ekki beint hægt að segja að stærsti ISP íslands sé að dreifa þessu, þar sem linkurinn (sem var auglýstur á huga) var fjarlægður fljótlega.
Augljóslega er hérna einhver misskilningur í gangi hjá þeim sem setti þetta í dreifingu upphaflega, þar sem það Á að setja einhverja limited útgáfu í fría dreifingu.
Augljóslega er hérna einhver misskilningur í gangi hjá þeim sem setti þetta í dreifingu upphaflega, þar sem það Á að setja einhverja limited útgáfu í fría dreifingu.
Alltaf þarft þú að skemma allt fyrir okkur!IceCaveman skrifaði:ég sendi aðal manninum spurningu um þetta
From: mrein@epicgames.com
Subject: RE= Piracy report
Thanks for telling me about this. It's nice to hear there are still some lawabiding people left on this planet.
I did NOT give anyone permission to distribute this game, that's a pure piracy and a criminal act. You tell me it's being distributed by the largest ISP in Iceland that's even more illegal. Whoever is responsable for this must pay us a full game licence fee and stop distribution immediately.
We told we were going to give away limited version of the engine for educational, non-commercial purposes without permission to access to the source-code. That's a limited game with almos no resources at all so you would have to build everything up from the ground. Unreal Tournament is full of resources you are not allowed to give away for free and even worse, he did modifications to the game and included several user made maps without even getting the permission from the map authors.
Please tell him I am looking forward to see him in court.
Mark Rein,
Vice-President, Epic Games Inc.
email: mrein@epicgames.com
Shame on you.
btw, 1337.is is not one of biggest ISP in iceland.
Voffinn has left the building..
æ ég geri bara copy paste af http://www.planetunreal.com
þetta er það eina ókeypis sem ég finn.
Free Unreal-Engine Use - redef - Comments
10/8/03 17:48 PST - UnrealEd Editing/Levels
BeyondUnreal pointed out an article at 3FC that announces that an education and non-commercial version of the Unreal engine will be made available. The comments are reported to have come from Mark Rein, so you can be assured that this is true in its entirety (additionally, I’ve heard similar reports from the source). Here’s a little of what was said:
We're creating a version of our engine which can be licensed for non-gaming use with the following features: It will include an Unreal Engine runtime and Epic's Unreal toolset such as UnrealEd, Karma Authoring Tool, UnrealScript IDE, UnrealScript Debugger and exporters for Max and Maya. The runtime will have a vanilla user interface suitable for loading maps and setting configurations. Our tools are strictly Windows based so that is the only platform we plan to support initially with this. If there is enough demand the runtime itself could be made available for Linux and Macintosh OS X as well.
The runtime will be a free download and free to use for non-commercial and educational use. It will include a sample level but no game-specific content. The download will be fairly small - maybe about 20Mb. You can think of it like a free version of UT2003 but without any of the gaming content or code. It will NOT be compatible with UT2003 however - levels created for this version will not run directly in UT2003 and vice-versa.
þetta er það eina ókeypis sem ég finn.
Free Unreal-Engine Use - redef - Comments
10/8/03 17:48 PST - UnrealEd Editing/Levels
BeyondUnreal pointed out an article at 3FC that announces that an education and non-commercial version of the Unreal engine will be made available. The comments are reported to have come from Mark Rein, so you can be assured that this is true in its entirety (additionally, I’ve heard similar reports from the source). Here’s a little of what was said:
We're creating a version of our engine which can be licensed for non-gaming use with the following features: It will include an Unreal Engine runtime and Epic's Unreal toolset such as UnrealEd, Karma Authoring Tool, UnrealScript IDE, UnrealScript Debugger and exporters for Max and Maya. The runtime will have a vanilla user interface suitable for loading maps and setting configurations. Our tools are strictly Windows based so that is the only platform we plan to support initially with this. If there is enough demand the runtime itself could be made available for Linux and Macintosh OS X as well.
The runtime will be a free download and free to use for non-commercial and educational use. It will include a sample level but no game-specific content. The download will be fairly small - maybe about 20Mb. You can think of it like a free version of UT2003 but without any of the gaming content or code. It will NOT be compatible with UT2003 however - levels created for this version will not run directly in UT2003 and vice-versa.
Höfundur - spjallið.is
- Póstar: 435
- Skráði sig: Mið 25. Sep 2002 14:27
- Staðsetning: Keflavík
- Staða: Ótengdur
Ég sver það við sáum póst um þetta. Þeir póstuðu þetta á http://www.ina-community.com en málið var það var engin að spila UT á íslandi þannig að við vorum ekkert að gera neitt mikið mál úr þessu. Núna erum við búnir að leita af þessum póst allstaðar en við finnum hann bara ekki.
En til ykkar vakta menn ef þið viljið deleta þessum póst þá skil ég það alveg við erum búnir að leita af þessu út um allt finnum hann hvergi. Hugi.is lokuðu fyrir þetta því við höfum enga sönnun.
En til ykkar vakta menn ef þið viljið deleta þessum póst þá skil ég það alveg við erum búnir að leita af þessu út um allt finnum hann hvergi. Hugi.is lokuðu fyrir þetta því við höfum enga sönnun.