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External monitor for content creators/photo/video
Sent: Fös 19. Jún 2020 00:55
af WhizKid
Hae hae guys. I need your help and you are my last chance. I want to buy a good monitor for my laptop so i can edit photos and videos. From what i understand my photo and videos looks good on my laptop screen but when im trying to view them on my phone or different laptops the video is to satured and i want to buy a new monitor for my hobby but i dont know which one is a good one, and i want to find one which is affordable. I found one on computer.is but im not sure if its a good one and i would like to see more opinions about this, my buget is something around 50-100k krona.Thank you guys.
https://www.computer.is/is/product/skja ... 0srgb-75hz
Re: External monitor for content creators/photo/video
Sent: Fös 19. Jún 2020 01:40
af Dóri S.
The problem is, that a monitor like the one you linked to is rather flat, it's made to represent the actual color and saturation values the footage has, it has a much wider lookuptable than most screens. So you would do well to edit your footage on a screen like this, but you are going to make the problem you described worse. I have a older version of the screen you linked to that I used to edit on, what I did was take my phone and put thw screen into vivid mode or what it's called on different phones and set up a profile on the screen that matched my phone so I could toggle between the actual values and the oversaturated end user values. That way you can try to find a balance between the two that looks good on both. I have this one:
If you would be interrested in it you can send me an offer.

Re: External monitor for content creators/photo/video
Sent: Fös 19. Jún 2020 10:17
af WhizKid
The idea is that i will buy a machine to calibrate the monitor. X-Rite i1 DISPLAY PRO and i would like to buy a new monitor. Can you help me find a good monitor in Iceland? Please.
Re: External monitor for content creators/photo/video
Sent: Lau 20. Jún 2020 19:06
af Dóri S.
I sent you a pm.