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PS4 tölva sem er bönnuð á PSN?

Sent: Fim 04. Jún 2015 19:44
af dedd10
Sælir meistarar.

Hef verið að skoða að kaupa mér PS4 tölvu á Ebay nuna í smá tíma, hef verið að rekast á nokkrar mun ódýrari sem eru bannaðar á PSN.

Það gerir það væntanlega að verkum að ekki er hægt að spila online. En hvernig er með uppfærslur á leikjum og svoleiðis sem maður kaupir útí búð, er hægt að uppfæra leiki og uppfæra tölvuna sjálfa þó hún sé með þessu banni?

Re: PS4 tölva sem er bönnuð á PSN?

Sent: Fim 04. Jún 2015 20:58
af Frost
https://support.us.playstation.com/app/ ... d-consoles

Available services or content if system has been banned
The following is a list of features you can and can't use if your system has been banned and your SEN account terminated.

Friends List

You can: browse, save, and delete sent or received messages from friends.

You can't: add friends, chat, revise your blocked users list, or create messages.

PlayStation Network

You can: see what's new in the "What's New" section, browse the online manual, use the Internet browser, download new system updates, and use Remote Play using wireless LAN.

You can't: connect to PS Home or the PS Store, manage account information including wallet charges and voucher entry, browse your download list, activate or deactivate your system, browse your trophies, or use Remote Play via the Internet.


You can: play offline games that don't require any connection to the PlayStation Network.

You can't: play games that use the PlayStation Network, purchase new DLC, or sync trophies.


You can: view manually added content as well as content that was purchased from the PlayStation Store previous to the system being banned.

You can't: upload videos or access services that require PlayStation Network sign-in, such as MLB.TV, HULU, Netflix, VUDU, etc.


You can: listen to manually added content as well as content that was purchased from the PlayStation Store previous to the system being banned. You can also retrieve music CD information.

You can't: use Music Unlimited, or purchase new music.


You can: view photos that were on your PS3 previous to the ban.

You can't: upload photos to services that use the PlayStation Network.

Additional Restrictions

PSone classics save data can be exchanged between PS3/PSP systems but the PSone classic game data itself cannot be moved.

Videos and games bought on PlayStation Store cannot be moved to other devices.