Það sem matariðnaðurinn vill ekki að fólk komist að
Sent: Þri 30. Des 2014 05:08
Orka = Ljós
Ha?! Vertu nú ekki með þetta rugl!
Augun okkar eru tengd taugum. Taugarnar í okkur eru tengdar ... öllum líkamanum.
Ég vil taka fram að ég er ekki á neinn hátt trúaður. Trúarbrögð eru bara stjórntæki fundið upp í gamladaga og hentar mér ekki.
http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/1827 ... teins-emc2" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
http://www.theguardian.com/science/2014 ... -positrons" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Ég hef prufað þetta og þetta virkar. Mun minni matarlyst og mun meiri orka. Líka rólegri. Tala nú ekki um sparnað í matarkostnað.
Let's think about this for a minute. We are electrical beings. Our heart has three pacemakers in it, just in case the primary one fails (Sinoatrial node). Our brain uses electricity to make our limbs move along with other bodily functions. Now the healthier you eat, the better you feel, the more energy you have. Plants store the sun's energy in them. We eat the plants. We get the energy from the sun. Why not just observe the practice of sun-gazing and get energy directly from the source. Our bodies have evolved to do this. It makes so much sense. I've been sun gazing (correctly) for about a week now and have so much energy! I ate very well before starting (vegan, organic, non-GMO). I went hiking the other day and noticed I needed no water for the intense climb and didn't have to stop and take a break. I usually have to stop and catch my breath for some inclines. I am convinced and would love to see more research done on this subject. The ramifications would change the world (back to when this was a regular practice in societies)
The way you can look at it from another perspective is like this: The nutrients come from the sun energy itself. Your body can take it and turn it into anything it needs. Think of it this way. The nutrients we normally get are from food, and the food grows because of the sun. If our food is from animals, then eventually down the line, their food came from plants which came from the sun. Sun energy, being a fine energy, contains EVERY nutrient. The sun gave it to the earth, and instead of collecting different kinds of food from the earth, missing some here and there, why not just get it ALL directly from the sun, doing away with the secondary food source? If it's a quality food you're looking for, there's nothing better than this.
We do not need food. We need energy. There is a difference. We convert food to energy and expel the waste - which is the material component of food. We don't use the material part of food, we use the stored energy within the food. It is the equivalent of running a car on gasoline, extracting the energy and expelling all the toxic fumes. Or, running a car on solar power/electricity. Very little, if any, expelled wastes. There is very much that science cannot yet understand. Yet this doesn't negate the fact that something unexplainable still exists. We should be eager to learn, not quick to ridicule. I suggest you watch the documentary DVD The Fire Yogi. It shows a man spending hours sitting and laying in a large fire, never at all getting burned. Even his clothing doesn't catch fire. How does he do this? Science is baffled. Yet the yogi knows - using his consciousness he harmonizes his body with the fire and they become one.
Again science can't prove this. Yet it still happens.
A truly healthy plant would not need to draw nutrients from the earth. It would be able to manufacture everything it needed inside itself. All it would require is the energy of the sun. It would, in short, feed on LIGHT.
Ha?! Vertu nú ekki með þetta rugl!
Augun okkar eru tengd taugum. Taugarnar í okkur eru tengdar ... öllum líkamanum.
Ég vil taka fram að ég er ekki á neinn hátt trúaður. Trúarbrögð eru bara stjórntæki fundið upp í gamladaga og hentar mér ekki.
http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/1827 ... teins-emc2" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
http://www.theguardian.com/science/2014 ... -positrons" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Ég hef prufað þetta og þetta virkar. Mun minni matarlyst og mun meiri orka. Líka rólegri. Tala nú ekki um sparnað í matarkostnað.
Let's think about this for a minute. We are electrical beings. Our heart has three pacemakers in it, just in case the primary one fails (Sinoatrial node). Our brain uses electricity to make our limbs move along with other bodily functions. Now the healthier you eat, the better you feel, the more energy you have. Plants store the sun's energy in them. We eat the plants. We get the energy from the sun. Why not just observe the practice of sun-gazing and get energy directly from the source. Our bodies have evolved to do this. It makes so much sense. I've been sun gazing (correctly) for about a week now and have so much energy! I ate very well before starting (vegan, organic, non-GMO). I went hiking the other day and noticed I needed no water for the intense climb and didn't have to stop and take a break. I usually have to stop and catch my breath for some inclines. I am convinced and would love to see more research done on this subject. The ramifications would change the world (back to when this was a regular practice in societies)
The way you can look at it from another perspective is like this: The nutrients come from the sun energy itself. Your body can take it and turn it into anything it needs. Think of it this way. The nutrients we normally get are from food, and the food grows because of the sun. If our food is from animals, then eventually down the line, their food came from plants which came from the sun. Sun energy, being a fine energy, contains EVERY nutrient. The sun gave it to the earth, and instead of collecting different kinds of food from the earth, missing some here and there, why not just get it ALL directly from the sun, doing away with the secondary food source? If it's a quality food you're looking for, there's nothing better than this.
We do not need food. We need energy. There is a difference. We convert food to energy and expel the waste - which is the material component of food. We don't use the material part of food, we use the stored energy within the food. It is the equivalent of running a car on gasoline, extracting the energy and expelling all the toxic fumes. Or, running a car on solar power/electricity. Very little, if any, expelled wastes. There is very much that science cannot yet understand. Yet this doesn't negate the fact that something unexplainable still exists. We should be eager to learn, not quick to ridicule. I suggest you watch the documentary DVD The Fire Yogi. It shows a man spending hours sitting and laying in a large fire, never at all getting burned. Even his clothing doesn't catch fire. How does he do this? Science is baffled. Yet the yogi knows - using his consciousness he harmonizes his body with the fire and they become one.
Again science can't prove this. Yet it still happens.
A truly healthy plant would not need to draw nutrients from the earth. It would be able to manufacture everything it needed inside itself. All it would require is the energy of the sun. It would, in short, feed on LIGHT.