[SELT!] Acer Aspire E1-521 6GB RAM | 750GB | AÐEINS 55ÞÚS!
Sent: Mið 12. Feb 2014 00:17
ATH: Myndir eru af sjálfri tölvunni, nánast ónotuð!
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Verð: 55ÞÚS! Gjöf en ekki gjald.
Processor: AMD E2-1800 1.7GHz
# of CPU Cores: 2
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8
Memory: 6GB DDR3
Hard Drive: 750GB @ 5400RPM
Recovery Partition: YES
Optical Drive: YES
Display: 15.6" LED
Video Card: AMD Radeon HD 7340
Speakers: Integrated
Keyboard Type: Bilingual
Wireless: 802.11B/G/N
Communication: Web Camera, DVD +/- RW, Card Reader
USB 2.0 Ports: 2
USB 3.0 Ports: 1
Other Ports: VGA, HDMI, Ethernet
Afhent í kassanum eins og ný.
Verð: 55ÞÚS! Gjöf en ekki gjald.
Processor: AMD E2-1800 1.7GHz
# of CPU Cores: 2
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8
Memory: 6GB DDR3
Hard Drive: 750GB @ 5400RPM
Recovery Partition: YES
Optical Drive: YES
Display: 15.6" LED
Video Card: AMD Radeon HD 7340
Speakers: Integrated
Keyboard Type: Bilingual
Wireless: 802.11B/G/N
Communication: Web Camera, DVD +/- RW, Card Reader
USB 2.0 Ports: 2
USB 3.0 Ports: 1
Other Ports: VGA, HDMI, Ethernet