[TS] Skjákort Sapphire Radeon HD 6970 2GB (SELT)
Sent: Sun 24. Jún 2012 22:11
ATI Radeon HD 6970 2GB frá Sapphire
Up to 880MHz Engine Clock
2GB GDDR5 Memory
1375MHz Memory Clock (5.5 Gbps GDDR5)
176 GB/s memory bandwidth (maximum)
2.7 TFLOPs Single Precision compute power
683 GFLOPs Double Precision compute power
TeraScale 3 Unified Processing Architecture
1536 Stream Processors
96 Texture Units
128 Z/Stencil ROP Units
32 Color ROP Units
Dual geometry and dual rendering engines
High Speed 256-bit GDDR5 memory interface
PCI Express 2.1 x16 bus interface
Frekari upplýsingar:
http://www.amd.com/us/products/desktop/ ... iew.aspx#2
http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/graphi ... 0-review/1

Selst á 40.000kr
Kostar nýt 54.990 hjá Tölvulistanum sjá: http://tl.is/vara/23816
Búið að nota Skjákortið í 1 ár
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Áhugasamir hafa samband
E-mail: sendibref[hjá]gmail.com
S: 820-5814
Up to 880MHz Engine Clock
2GB GDDR5 Memory
1375MHz Memory Clock (5.5 Gbps GDDR5)
176 GB/s memory bandwidth (maximum)
2.7 TFLOPs Single Precision compute power
683 GFLOPs Double Precision compute power
TeraScale 3 Unified Processing Architecture
1536 Stream Processors
96 Texture Units
128 Z/Stencil ROP Units
32 Color ROP Units
Dual geometry and dual rendering engines
High Speed 256-bit GDDR5 memory interface
PCI Express 2.1 x16 bus interface
Frekari upplýsingar:
http://www.amd.com/us/products/desktop/ ... iew.aspx#2
http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/graphi ... 0-review/1

Selst á 40.000kr
Kostar nýt 54.990 hjá Tölvulistanum sjá: http://tl.is/vara/23816
Búið að nota Skjákortið í 1 ár
Fylgir nóta með
Áhugasamir hafa samband
E-mail: sendibref[hjá]gmail.com
S: 820-5814