Bakgrunnur í CS
Sent: Fim 30. Jún 2011 01:04
Vil að sýna hvernig á maður að skipta um bakgrunn!
1. download-aðu -" onclick=";return false;
2. unpack where ever you want
3. run cake.exe
4. after that, click on "Load Image"
5. found your image
6. click on "Save Image"
7. and then browse " SteamApps/steam_login/counter-strike/cstrike/resource/background - if there's no folder like 'background' create then.
8. click "OK" close the program, run counter-strike and enjoy the game!
1. download-aðu -" onclick=";return false;
2. unpack where ever you want
3. run cake.exe
4. after that, click on "Load Image"
5. found your image
6. click on "Save Image"
7. and then browse " SteamApps/steam_login/counter-strike/cstrike/resource/background - if there's no folder like 'background' create then.
8. click "OK" close the program, run counter-strike and enjoy the game!