Razer Krait
Sent: Mið 17. Nóv 2010 16:51
Er með Krait til sölu á 1500kr, ég hef notað hana ábyggilega í svona 2-3tíma
fékk hana sem gjöf fyrir ári, stendur á kassanum 5990kr, notaði hana mjög stutt útaf ég nota ms3 : ) fann hana bara í kassanum
hún er mjög fín fyrir sc2 wow eve etc
* 1200 actions per minute
* 1600dpi Razer Precision™ infrared sensor
* On-The-Fly Sensitivity™ adjustment
* Always-On™ mode
* Ultra-large non-slip buttons
* 6400 frames per second (5.8 megapixels per second)
* 16-bit ultra-wide data path
* Up to 40 inches per second and 15g of acceleration
* Three independently programmable Hyperesponse™ buttons
* GlowPipe™ non-slip side rails
* Ergonomic ambidextrous design
* Scroll wheel with 24 individual click positions
* Zero-acoustic Ultraslick™ mouse feet
* Gold-plated USB connector
* Seven-foot, lightweight, non-tangle cord
* Approximate size: 120mm (length) x 60.5mm (width) x 37mm (height)
http://store.razerzone.com/store/razeru ... .169417300
fékk hana sem gjöf fyrir ári, stendur á kassanum 5990kr, notaði hana mjög stutt útaf ég nota ms3 : ) fann hana bara í kassanum
hún er mjög fín fyrir sc2 wow eve etc
* 1200 actions per minute
* 1600dpi Razer Precision™ infrared sensor
* On-The-Fly Sensitivity™ adjustment
* Always-On™ mode
* Ultra-large non-slip buttons
* 6400 frames per second (5.8 megapixels per second)
* 16-bit ultra-wide data path
* Up to 40 inches per second and 15g of acceleration
* Three independently programmable Hyperesponse™ buttons
* GlowPipe™ non-slip side rails
* Ergonomic ambidextrous design
* Scroll wheel with 24 individual click positions
* Zero-acoustic Ultraslick™ mouse feet
* Gold-plated USB connector
* Seven-foot, lightweight, non-tangle cord
* Approximate size: 120mm (length) x 60.5mm (width) x 37mm (height)
http://store.razerzone.com/store/razeru ... .169417300