Source code lekinn útá netið !!
Höfundur - FanBoy
- Póstar: 767
- Skráði sig: Fös 15. Nóv 2002 20:40
- Staðsetning: RVK
- Staða: Ótengdur
Source code lekinn útá netið !!
Heyrst hafa þær fregnir að source kóde win2k, og NT4 hafi lekið útá netið.
Sjá hérna.. Iexbeta spjallborð
Þetta er ekki staðfest í "töluðum" orðum. En við sjáum hvað gerist á næstunni.
Sjá hérna.. Iexbeta spjallborð
Þetta er ekki staðfest í "töluðum" orðum. En við sjáum hvað gerist á næstunni.
- Stjórnandi
- Póstar: 1197
- Skráði sig: Fim 29. Ágú 2002 03:55
- Staðsetning: Reykjavík
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- Staða: Ótengdur
WinBeta Member
Group: Management
Posts: 61
Member No.: 2
Joined: 11-August 03
Earlier today internet and IRC sites were abuzz with the news that the source code to both Windows 2000 and Windows NT4 had leaked out onto the net. WinBeta.Org has investigated these claims and the alleged screenshot posted on Neowin and they'appear to be real but incomplete'.
This must be highly embarressing for Microsoft, who will undoubtedly be scrambling to find the source of the leak of their highly confidential Operating Systems.
Windows XP and Windows 2003 server source codes do not appear to have leaked at the moment.
For those who ascribe to theories of collusion with "No Such Agency" backdoor keys to Windows 2000, this may infact be a positive spin for Microsoft if such a backdoor is not found. Of course, to those that claim Elvis is indeed working at a gas station in Kansas, who's to say this is infact the retail code that Microsoft has been sharing? Maybe it's a 'sanitized' version?
Intellectual Property laws as well as public perception of one of the world's largest companies are on the line here. Microsoft's response will be indicative of just how important this code is to them, even given that it is outdated code - maybe they will use this as a corporate scare tactic to make companies upgrade to Windows XP?
Ahh, a theorists paradise indeed...
News Source: In-House ... #entry9449
Group: Management
Posts: 61
Member No.: 2
Joined: 11-August 03
Earlier today internet and IRC sites were abuzz with the news that the source code to both Windows 2000 and Windows NT4 had leaked out onto the net. WinBeta.Org has investigated these claims and the alleged screenshot posted on Neowin and they'appear to be real but incomplete'.
This must be highly embarressing for Microsoft, who will undoubtedly be scrambling to find the source of the leak of their highly confidential Operating Systems.
Windows XP and Windows 2003 server source codes do not appear to have leaked at the moment.
For those who ascribe to theories of collusion with "No Such Agency" backdoor keys to Windows 2000, this may infact be a positive spin for Microsoft if such a backdoor is not found. Of course, to those that claim Elvis is indeed working at a gas station in Kansas, who's to say this is infact the retail code that Microsoft has been sharing? Maybe it's a 'sanitized' version?
Intellectual Property laws as well as public perception of one of the world's largest companies are on the line here. Microsoft's response will be indicative of just how important this code is to them, even given that it is outdated code - maybe they will use this as a corporate scare tactic to make companies upgrade to Windows XP?
Ahh, a theorists paradise indeed...
News Source: In-House ... #entry9449
SEATTLE (AP) - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) said late Thursday that portions of its Windows source code - the tightly guarded blueprints of its dominant operating system - had been leaked over the Internet.
Microsoft spokesman Tom Pilla said in an interview with The Associated Press that some incomplete portions of the Windows 2000 and Windows NT4 source code had been "illegally made available on the Internet."
Last edited by kiddi on Fös 13. Feb 2004 12:54, edited 1 time in total.
MezzUp skrifaði:KinD^ skrifaði:hversu mikla rökstuðninga viljið ? screenshot ? sample úr file-um ??
Segja allavega hvar þú fréttir það, skil ekki hvernig þú ferð beint úr engum rökstuðningi yfir í að halda það að ég þurfi screenshot.
En er einhver búinn að næla sér í source'inn?
Látum rolluna bara senda okkur
Voffinn has left the building..
KinD^ skrifaði:gaur... jésus kristur... þú greinilega skilur ekki hvað ég er að fara útí herna ? með að segja þér að ég geti boðið þér screenshot og hvaðeina...
aight, ég hélt að þetta ætti að vera kaldhæðni með því að bjóða screenshot þegar ég bað um einhvern rökstuðning. Endilega skelltu á okkur öllu dæminu
Þetta er ólöglegara end að stunda piracy gaurar! ... source.asp ... source.asp