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80 Orc Hunter HM Ready!!

Sent: Lau 01. Maí 2010 15:04
af Dcoy
Jæja ákvað að skella honum upp á sölu þar sem ég hef ekki áhuga á WoW lengur, sjá hvort að einhver vill ekki fá þennan glæsilega account. Þetta er tekið af auglýsingunni minni á erlendri síðu.

80 Orc Hunter
80 Tauren Shaman (Alt)
80 Orc Death Knight (Alt)

All chars have Dual Spec available

--80 Orc Hunter--

Starting off with Professions

Jewel Crafting and Enchanting are maxed with the desired recipes for the class and alts.

Armory Link http://www.mywowarmory.com/profile.php?id=192584



Sons of Hodir
Knights of the Ebon Blade
Wyrmrest Accord
Argent Crusade
The Ashen Verdict --ICC Rep--
Horde Expedition
Scale of Sands
The Violet Eye
Ashtongue Deathsworn
The Scryers
Shattered Sun Offensive
Frostwolf Clan

The Kalu'ak
Warsong Offensive
Keepers of Time
Cenarion Expedition
The Sha'tar
The 4 Major Horde Factions


Fully Armor Pen gemmed and enchanted with the highest enchants available for raiding
80% Armor Penetration and has optional pieces in bags for itemization.
Only pieces needed to reach the cap are Deathbringers Will and Falin'rush/Oathbringer

Cooking is maxed with Armor Pen food recipe.

5635 Achievement Points

Some of the Titles it has

**King Slayer**
Of the Nightfall
Twilight Vanquisher
Of the Ashen Verdict
The Patient
The Noble
The Love Fool
The Hollowed
Only 3 more titles for the "[COLOR="rgb(255, 0, 255)"]Violet Drake[/COLOR]"
Just barely missed the Brewmaster title, only 1 objective left there.
Hand of A'dal

Bronze Drake
Rusted Proto Drake *Ulduar 10m HM*
Brewfest Ram *rare*
Grand Black War Mammoth *rare*
Switft White Hawkstrider

This hunter easily pushes 10.5-11.5k dps when fully mastered.

And he is also Hard Mode Ready 25 and 10 and can unlock 10m HM ICC

*Tauren Shaman*

Professions Maxed

Main Resto/Elemental Off Spec.

This character is well ICC 25 man ready and can easily heal without Mana Problems in ICC Raids.

Viable for raids when you need dps or healing.

So if you want to heal or dps as a shaman you can jump with him straight into ICC and grind some loot, rep and such

Epic Flying Mount so it's ez farming those herbs.

*Orc Death Knight*


Not much to say about his gear or anything. Just started playing him a bit in the end he only has 5man gear and is semi decent. Only needs some small gearing up.

Has tanking and DPS gear.

Not much else to add

The Main focus has been the hunter through the years

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

Re: 80 Orc Hunter HM Ready!!

Sent: Mið 12. Maí 2010 21:42
af Razmataz
Er hægt að ná í þig á msn eða eitthvað?

Re: 80 Orc Hunter HM Ready!!

Sent: Mið 12. Maí 2010 22:44
af Dcoy
Bara með pms eins og er, getur náð í mig á msn eftir helgi

Re: 80 Orc Hunter HM Ready!!

Sent: Mán 17. Maí 2010 13:25
af kainzor
hva kostar þetta account (hvað seluru fyrir)

ég er svo mikill WoW kall mig langar lvl 80 kalla svo ég gæti búið til heirloom stuffs

Re: 80 Orc Hunter HM Ready!!

Sent: Mán 17. Maí 2010 21:18
af Dcoy
Hann er seldur