2x9600 eða HD 4800 kort..?
Sent: Sun 03. Ágú 2008 23:34
Er betra að fá sér 2x 9600 í SLI en HD 4800 kortin..?
Beint frá toms hardware: "Two 9600 GT cards in an SLI configuration will offer a similar price/performance ratio as two Radeon 3870 cards in a Crossfire configuration at a cheaper price. Either way, performance is unprecedented at the $300 price point."
Greinin: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gam ... 805-4.html
nú er ég alveg ringlaður, ætlaði að fá mér 4800 kort, en er farinn að efast.............
Beint frá toms hardware: "Two 9600 GT cards in an SLI configuration will offer a similar price/performance ratio as two Radeon 3870 cards in a Crossfire configuration at a cheaper price. Either way, performance is unprecedented at the $300 price point."
Greinin: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gam ... 805-4.html
nú er ég alveg ringlaður, ætlaði að fá mér 4800 kort, en er farinn að efast.............