dori skrifaði:
Núna er ég ekkert rosalega ferskur í eðlisfræðinni minni en í þessu myndbandi er því haldið fram að
FTTH sé 100 sinnum hraðari flutningsmáti en kopar... Eh.... k?
Það má vel vera að þú getir flutt stærri pakka eða fleiri pakka á sekúndu yfir stóran ljósleiðara og þú getur yfir kopar (það er enginn að halda öðru fram, a.m.k. ekki hérna). En rafmagn ferðast mjög nálægt ljóshraða í kopar... Að vitna í svona myndband til að dissa kopar er mjög heimskulegt. Vissirðu að tölvan þín er öll full af kopar.
Kopar var notaður sjúklega mikið fyrir 5000 árum síðan. Þetta hlýtur að vera hræðilegt efni. <- þetta eru þín rök.
Þó svo að línan sé sú sama þá er mikil þróun á tækninni sem er notuð til að vinna með merkið sem er flutt yfir þessa línu.
>walk into Simnet
>ask for a LjósKantur
>Copper spaghetti slowly drips from my pockets
>oh god not again
>face gets red
>"Please give me a Ljóskant."
>"I don't know what that is. What speed is it on?"
>struggling to contain my embarrassment
>clenching asscheeks together to hold in my shit
>meanwhile copper spaghetti is flowing out of my pockets
>voice reduced to a mumble
>"have money please Ljóskantur give money please game"
>"Are you ok?"
>shit breaches through my asscheeks
>propelled forward at 120km/h
>crash through the Simnet employee's counter
>he's holding on to me for dear life
>all the while copper spaghetti is flowing out of my pockets like fumes
>crash through the entire row of buildings in Kringlan, broken glass shards in my face
>Gamestop employee is covered in shit and copper spaghetti
>my pocket rocket shows no signs of stopping
>he tilts me backwards
>the sheer force of my shit has reached 1200 km/h, we are now propelling upwards
>the copper spaghetti and shit intertwines and falls down to earth in glorious copper color and brown streams as we head towards the stratosphere
>children below frolic in the mess falling from my anus
>the g-force is causing my asscheeks to flap vigorously and create a gale
>copper spaghetti and shit blowing through the air on the planet below
>6 km upwards now
>Gamestop employee has died from lack of oxygen, his body falls to the surface below and is shredded by the force of my shit
>my transformation is almost complete
>as I leave the atmosphere my bear hands sprout and my tail grows, acting as a rudder
>steer myself across the cosmos with my gleaming shit and copper spaghetti trail