Half Life 2 ... Kaupa eða Dl á DC ?
- Nýliði
- Póstar: 18
- Skráði sig: Lau 27. Nóv 2004 20:33
- Staðsetning: Karlshamn, Blekinge, Sweden
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- Staða: Ótengdur
Re: Half Life 2 ... Kaupa eða Dl á DC ?
GuðjónR skrifaði:Jæja...hvort ætlið að kaupa leikinn eða downloda honum á DC ?
Ooh don't buy it, it sucks. Really, really NOT worth the money. I wonder how anyone ever could get the idea to compare it to Doom3, Doom3 is a million times better. The graphic in HL2 just got worse the more they worked on it, and hey.. You allready know everything, were to go, and how everything looks, cause you have seen it ALL almost on the movieclips and ScreenShots. You have finished the game before you even have blinked, and the end is just like in HL(1). ID software is the best, and John Carmack is God. Doom3 is a masterpiece, Valve's HL2 is just craaap. Craapolaaaa. If you have to play it.. Download it.. Thats my advice.
Keendra @ Runnyeye [EQ2]
- Nýliði
- Póstar: 18
- Skráði sig: Lau 27. Nóv 2004 20:33
- Staðsetning: Karlshamn, Blekinge, Sweden
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- Staða: Ótengdur
Jakob skrifaði:Wow, gaman að sjá að Vaktin er að teygja sig út fyrir landsteinana
Welcome Sweden
haha, I was looking for Icelandic EQ2-players and ended up here Good, that is though. Seems to be a good bb2forum, will probably hang here a while. Hopefully will I get better in writing in Icelandic to.. Það ér að koma!
Keendra @ Runnyeye [EQ2]
Re: Half Life 2 ... Kaupa eða Dl á DC ?
Commander_Keendra skrifaði:GuðjónR skrifaði:Jæja...hvort ætlið að kaupa leikinn eða downloda honum á DC ?
Ooh don't buy it, it sucks. Really, really NOT worth the money. I wonder how anyone ever could get the idea to compare it to Doom3, Doom3 is a million times better. The graphic in HL2 just got worse the more they worked on it, and hey.. You allready know everything, were to go, and how everything looks, cause you have seen it ALL almost on the movieclips and ScreenShots. You have finished the game before you even have blinked, and the end is just like in HL(1). ID software is the best, and John Carmack is God. Doom3 is a masterpiece, Valve's HL2 is just craaap. Craapolaaaa. If you have to play it.. Download it.. Thats my advice.
Doom3 was also stunningly boring after about 3 hours of playing it, same nonsense over and over and over again
- Nýliði
- Póstar: 18
- Skráði sig: Lau 27. Nóv 2004 20:33
- Staðsetning: Karlshamn, Blekinge, Sweden
- Hafðu samband:
- Staða: Ótengdur
gumol skrifaði:Hann/hún skilur Íslensku
Já, hún skilur Íslensku!
I speak Icelandic aswell, it's just the writingpart I have problem with. I'm half Icelandic and travels to Iceland (Hafnarfjörður that is) almost every summer (have though not been there on two years so the language is fadeing away abit sadly. So for that sake, it's also useful for me to hang here )
Hawley skrifaði:Doom3 was also stunningly boring after about 3 hours of playing it, same nonsense over and over and over again
Oh I don't agree with you, but look at it in this way: D3 might be "boring" after about 3 hours, BUT after 3 hours have you already finished HL2, and the end isn't direct surprising either, is it?
Keendra @ Runnyeye [EQ2]
Oh I don't agree with you, but look at it in this way: D3 might be "boring" after about 3 hours, BUT after 3 hours have you already finished HL2, and the end isn't direct surprising either, is it?
Já, Half-Life 2 var voðalega stuttur. En hugsaðu þér öll moddin sem eiga eftir að koma út! Half-Life 2 var eiginlega bara kynning á vélinni. Ef þú tekur öll moddin í gildi þá er leikurinn eiginlega endalaus, eins og ég sagði á öðrum þræði hérna einhvers staðar. Source vélin (sem Half-Life 2 notar) er nefnilega Mod-Vænasta vél veraldar.
Og varðandi endann, þá átti hann að vera svona "cliffhanger" alveg eins og í Half-Life. Þetta verður nefnilega trioligy, það er að segja 3 leikir. Sá þriðji og síðasti á eftir að koma út
- Staða: Ótengdur
- Nýliði
- Póstar: 18
- Skráði sig: Lau 27. Nóv 2004 20:33
- Staðsetning: Karlshamn, Blekinge, Sweden
- Hafðu samband:
- Staða: Ótengdur
Well, well. If I should be honest, I mostly criticize HL2 because I don't like Valve Hehe.. I did actually think HL2 would be good though. Good game, but from a bad company. But now I really is dissapointed at HL2, truely dissapointed. When I played HL I got atleast abit frightened. I think Doom and Half Life is supposed to be scary. When I played Doom3 I got freakin' hysterical and that was sooo fuuuun! But playing through HL2.. HL2 didn't have any effect on me at all. Not even a bit And you allready knew everything that was gonna happend, and where to go, cause you saw it all in the filmclips. And actually, many here had whaited for it, and longed after playing it. But what surprised me, was that even they was very dissapointed.
Keendra @ Runnyeye [EQ2]
fannst skemmtilegra að spila HL2 heldur en D3 þó svo að mar varð svolítið hræddur ´´i nokkrum atriðum.
grafíkin í doom var snilld EN..... hvað sá mar í doom ??? ekkert! bara dimma ganga, lítið af landslagi´, sá enga sérstaka character effecta, leiðinda sögu og eiginlega allt í myrkri. Enda gaurinn var svo óspennandi að ég nennti ekki að klára hann þó ég væri búinn að fatta hvernig mar tæki hann niður.
gef doom svona 5 í einkunn, HL2 9,5 og svona til að pota farcry í þetta fær hann 7.
grafíkin í doom var snilld EN..... hvað sá mar í doom ??? ekkert! bara dimma ganga, lítið af landslagi´, sá enga sérstaka character effecta, leiðinda sögu og eiginlega allt í myrkri. Enda gaurinn var svo óspennandi að ég nennti ekki að klára hann þó ég væri búinn að fatta hvernig mar tæki hann niður.
gef doom svona 5 í einkunn, HL2 9,5 og svona til að pota farcry í þetta fær hann 7.
- Nýliði
- Póstar: 18
- Skráði sig: Lau 27. Nóv 2004 20:33
- Staðsetning: Karlshamn, Blekinge, Sweden
- Hafðu samband:
- Staða: Ótengdur
ErectuZ skrifaði:*ahem* Já, ok, í Half-Life 2 veistu alltaf hvað skeður næst *hóst*Doom3*hóst*
En í alvöru talað, þá er Half-Life 2 ekki hryllingsleikur. Hann snýst meira um Action, á meðan Doom 3 snýst um hrylling og action
Horror or not; I, who jumps up in the air out of fear for so little, should had reakted atleast a little. I get scared of my own shadow FFS Even if it's just action, it should contain some tension.
Hah, if it wouldn't be for John Carmack's Q1 and Q2, you would probably not even have HL2 If it would't be for John Carmacks greatness, we would probably not even have a that well developed 3D-grafic. *Praise the Lord*
But hey:
Well well, guess most of you here are CS-nerds. That would explain a lot.. Hhaha naah just kiddin' *grin evil*
Keendra @ Runnyeye [EQ2]