One in three people in Switzerland download unauthorized music, movies and games from the Internet and since last year the government has been wondering what to do about it. This week their response was published and it was crystal clear. Not only will downloading for personal use stay completely legal, but the copyright holders won’t suffer because of it, since people eventually spend the money saved on entertainment products.
The overall suggestion the Swiss government communicates to the entertainment industries is that they should adapt to the change in consumer behavior, or die. They see absolutely no need to change the law because downloading has no proven negative impact on the production of national culture.
Dagur skrifaði:Þú meinar ríkistjórn íslands, ekki SMÁÍS. Það eru örugglega hagsmunasamtök í Sviss sem eru með nákvæmlega sama hugarfar og SMÁÍS.
Því miður virðast þeir sem sitja á valdastólunum hverju sinni engan skilning hafa á neinu sem tengist internetinu og það skánar ekkert þegar meintir riddarar réttlætisins byrja tjá sig um skaðann sem internetið er að valda þeim.
Hargo skrifaði:Menn ráðast nú ekkert svo auðveldlega á Sviss. Hafið þið ekki séð vasahnífana þeirra?
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