Þetta er ótrúlega heimskur gaur!!!
- vélbúnaðarpervert
- Póstar: 956
- Skráði sig: Mán 08. Des 2003 23:53
- Staðsetning: Hafnarfjörður
- Staða: Ótengdur
merkilegt nokk... annars finnst mér fyndið sem gerðist fyrir mufu
When I installed an H20 rig in my PC early this year I was going to use a relay to turn on the pump automatically at bootup, but I held back since a few parts were brand new and under warranty and I didn't want to mess with them. Besides, I never forgot to turn the pump on - the one time I have forgotten, I soon realised and it was a non-event.
Got up yesterday, hung over after a pretty heavy night and needed to get some network config done for our house. I switched the PC on and left the room to make some brekkie. Got back and it had locked. Weird I thought, so I restarted it again and this time it hung on the bootup screen. Before I had even begun to think about what was up in my semi-drunken state, I heard a loud "BANG!" and a puff of what I thought was smoke got blown out the back of the PC. Anyway... it wasn't smoke, it was steam. Turns out that the water must have reached boiling point (or fairly close too) and one of the pipes on the CPU block exploded!!!