Vefsíða veldur vandræðum og snúningum á skjá


Póstar: 2383
Skráði sig: Lau 25. Jan 2003 19:36
Staða: Ótengdur

Vefsíða veldur vandræðum og snúningum á skjá

Póstur af ICM »

A co-worker of mine had a serious problem in a computer at work. I want to hear your opinions on the real issues and what could possible have caused that problem as they had to call some expensive “tecnician” to fix the computer.

It was running WindowsXP with full administrative privilages. He was using Internet Explorer and was playing games on . He clicked on the game Battleship, a game that he had playd for many times before on other computers but the game did not work so he closed the window, then he clicked on another game that did not work either so he closed that window, but it wouldn’t close and the computer became very sluggish, to a level he decided just to restart it manually.
After the computer had started the monitor was all upside down, like 180° rotation, the mouse was all weird and he had problem with logging on.
What could possibly cause the screen to rotate like that, somone must know here because I don’t believe that web pages caused this.

He recieved heavy verbal punishment for his actions and was totally blamed for everything, these computers are meant for work, not games.

What I want to know is do you really think a web page like that could have caused the problem or did some other employe install some harmful software BEFORE and they are blaming the wrong person? Most of the employes at work don’t know a thing about computers to keep them secure and some computers don’t even have SP1 installed.

I for one think the people who maintain the computers don’t know a thing about them, if I were them I would at least get all security patches and DON’T make employes have access to administrator accounts and use Internet Explorer/ Outlook, it’s far to dangerous on ill patched systems to use this dangerous combination.
I secretly installed Firefox and I use it to avoid some of the Active X madness please give me some valid points so we can backfire.

Póstar: 43
Skráði sig: Mið 31. Mar 2004 19:52
Staðsetning: Kópavogur
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Staða: Ótengdur

Póstur af heidaro »

Ég hef einmitt hangið í þessum Battleship forever (ég er með rautt high score!!! :D:D:D) og hef aldrei lent í vandræðum með þetta...bara venjulegt java dót...Windows er bara svona...eina ástæðan til að þurfa ekki að formatta það vegna einverskonar svona vandamáls hefur verið að hreinlega nota það ekki...tala ég þar af reynslu. En ef þetta er svona vinnuvél þá ætti nú ekkert að vera leika sér í henni en samt sem áður er þetta örugglega ekki leikurinn...get bara ekki ímyndað mér það. Er búið að formatta vélina og sjá hvort þetta lagist og svoleiðis?